I'm waaaaayyyy bad at updating this blog!! In fact, I accidentally erased the darn thing a few weeks ago. Fortunately, it's still here! Phew! Nothing fancy or anything, I know. But I don't really care.
Here are a few quick updates for those who actually read this...(*crickets*)
Jonny boy is back in school again this semester. I'm so proud of him. He's so busy. But he's determined to ace his classes. American Civilization and Ethics and Values (gag). At least his professors are cool...in the way that affects his grade anyway. The Ethics and Values teacher is a real gem..."I left the LDS church, got a divorce, and my kids were taken from me, because I was deemed an 'unfit mother'"...What a way to start off the semester, eh??
We are experiencing an unusually high volume of stress in our lives, due to many factors...so please accept my apologies for not being the bestest friend ever to you all! I hope you understand. I know that you do. We'll get back on the stick in the next couple months/years/decades...
Max. Whoa. Soy milk drinker. Crazy candy man. Funny little temper.
Let me summarize one day in the life of Max this week. (In Max's words) Wake up. Poop. Diaper rash (probably from milk again...mom messed up and gave me some!). Eat whatever I want...which isn't much. Play with Chanel and mommy. March around on chairs that are holding up the blanket fort. Leap over the back of one of the bar stools onto deceptively weak fort roof. Crash down onto wood floor below, taking blanket roof with me. Cry. Candy. Ba-ba (bottle). Climb up onto high chair. Flip sideways off of high chair. Land on tile floor face-down. No boo-boo's (miraculously). Cry. Candy. Ba-ba. Daddy home! YAY! Play. Explore laundry room. Shut door. Taste laundry detergent. Yucky! "MOMMA!!!" Mom comes running. She sees my finder trails in bottom of detergent box. I'm wiping my tongue off, 'cause it tastes really bad!! Mommy looks like she might have a nervous breakdown. Funny. Dinner. Crazy chase-down. Bath. Ba-ba. Bed. Night-night.
So, this pretty much explains what it's like to be Max. Every. Day. Really.
Oh boy. Or...OH girl.
She's the smartest little whip. She's extremely perceptive. Which scares me. She loves to create things for people. She loves her friends so much, which is FABULOUS leverage. "Get your room clean, and then you can invite a friend over!" "Yes, mom!" Works like a charm. She's in ballet. She really gets into the music whenever she dances. She wants to live in Hawaii or North Carolina. She's becoming very responsible. I love her so much.
What a champ. He came home from school a couple of weeks ago, and told us that the ground duty lady at recess got mad at him for rubbing snow in other kids' faces. He tried to deny it, but she didn't believe him. There's another kid with the same, exact, orange coat, who just happens to be a little mischievous...Briggs said, "instead of explaining that to her, I just stood there and listened to her, because I knew she wouldn't believe me anyway." Ha! I can totally picture his face. He's way to mature for his age. Scary! He's starting to notice girls. Enough said.
I'm NURSERY LEADER. I love it. I get to stock the cupboards, unlock the cupboards, set up snacks, clean up, deliver sad kids to mommies, and sing songs. How fun is that!? I really like it. I have enjoyed having a calling that requires little or no time throughout the middle of the week. It's been GREAT! I am finally catching up on things that are important to me. I am so grateful for ANY extra time. Love it. I've been remodeling some furniture too. I'll post some pics of that soon. Gotta run kids to basketball now!!!
I'll be back!
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