This is the beautiful quilt that my mother-in-law made for Max. Briggs really wanted to be in a picture with it. Isn't it adorable!? Karen is so talented!
This boy is one special kid! On Monday, I had a pain in my back, and my good friend, Jena, told me that I should call my doctor about it. She's a nurse, and was concerned that it could've been pulmonary embolism...a blood clot in my lung. Scary! I called Dr. Melendez, and he said I should go to the ER. I went, and had a CT scan. Nothing. It seemed like a waste of time and effort, but I'm grateful that nothing was wrong. There isn't any pain anymore, and it had basically gone away by the time we arrived at the hospital. I felt so dumb! Oh well. Better safe than sorry, I guess.
The worst part for me was finding out that I couldn't nurse Max for 24 hours. I thought it was gonna stink, and he'd have a horrible night and struggle through the next day. However, we got home, and Jonny made a bottle for him. I have a ton of frozen breastmilk...thankfully! Max began to suck the second I put the bottle in his mouth. !!!!! I know! Neither of my other kids took a bottle until like 8 or 9 months!!! I was sooo relieved. He slept through the night, except for a 3 am bottle. I'm grateful for this little tender mercy. I was exhausted, and it seemed as though the day of pumping and bottles just flew on by! I'm so grateful.
Here's the cool part: our neighbors, Jay and Shaleen, let Briggs and Nelly stay at their house until after 11 pm. They are such awesome people. Uncle Devin met us at the hospital, and sat in the car for almost 3 hours with Max. Thankfully, Max slept pretty much the whole time...until we arrived back at home.
So, for such a crazy night, it went very well. Counting our blessings!!
Max is sleeping very well. I hear him stir around 2 or 3 am, and hurry to his bed to get him and feed him. I changed his diaper, and put him back. He will then sleep until about 8 am. He's such an easy baby...for now! I'm treasuring every minute.
I have some amazing friends. I have had so much food brought to me, it's overwhelming. I pray every day for my friends, that they will be blessed for all they have done for us. Even tomorrow, Sarah's bringing lunch!!! Yay! My neighbors are taking very good care of me. Today, Margo and Liz brought a gift, and came to see me and Max. Then, they stole Briggs and Nelly and took them to Del Taco for lunch and to play there. It made my day! Shaleen brought a yummy dinner tonight, Crystal brought dessert, Jenn brought a gift and visited for a bit...this is just ONE day. How in the world am I so lucky? I know that my recovery has been so much easier due to the HELP I've received from my wonderful friends and family. You know who you are! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
We plan on blessing baby Max on June 6th (if that's Fast Sunday). Our church is at 1 pm. All are welcome to come! We'll have a family gathering right after in our home. I'll try to keep you all posted! Thanks!
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