Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Baby Max & kids

This is the beautiful quilt that my mother-in-law made for Max.  Briggs really wanted to be in a picture with it.  Isn't it adorable!?  Karen is so talented!

This boy is one special kid!  On Monday, I had a pain in my back, and my good friend, Jena, told me that I should call my doctor about it.  She's a nurse, and was concerned that it could've been pulmonary embolism...a blood clot in my lung.  Scary!  I called Dr. Melendez, and he said I should go to the ER.  I went, and had a CT scan.  Nothing.  It seemed like a waste of time and effort, but I'm grateful that nothing was wrong.  There isn't any pain anymore, and it had basically gone away by the time we arrived at the hospital.  I felt so dumb! Oh well.  Better safe than sorry, I guess. 
The worst part for me was finding out that I couldn't nurse Max for 24 hours.  I thought it was gonna stink, and he'd have a horrible night and struggle through the next day.  However, we got home, and Jonny made a bottle for him.  I have a ton of frozen breastmilk...thankfully!  Max began to suck the second I put the bottle in his mouth. !!!!!  I know!  Neither of my other kids took a bottle until like 8 or 9 months!!!  I was sooo relieved.  He slept through the night, except for a 3 am bottle.  I'm grateful for this little tender mercy.  I was exhausted, and it seemed as though the day of pumping and bottles just flew on by!  I'm so grateful. 
Here's the cool part: our neighbors, Jay and Shaleen, let Briggs and Nelly stay at their house until after 11 pm.  They are such awesome people.  Uncle Devin met us at the hospital, and sat in the car for almost 3 hours with Max.  Thankfully, Max slept pretty much the whole time...until we arrived back at home. 
So, for such a crazy night, it went very well.  Counting our blessings!!
Max is sleeping very well.  I hear him stir around 2 or 3 am, and hurry to his bed to get him and feed him.  I changed his diaper, and put him back.  He will then sleep until about 8 am.  He's such an easy baby...for now!  I'm treasuring every minute.

I have some amazing friends.  I have had so much food brought to me, it's overwhelming.  I pray every day for my friends, that they will be blessed for all they have done for us.  Even tomorrow, Sarah's bringing lunch!!!  Yay!  My neighbors are taking very good care of me.  Today, Margo and Liz brought a gift, and came to see me and Max.  Then, they stole Briggs and Nelly and took them to Del Taco for lunch and to play there.  It made my day!  Shaleen brought a yummy dinner tonight, Crystal brought dessert, Jenn brought a gift and visited for a bit...this is just ONE day.  How in the world am I so lucky?  I know that my recovery has been so much easier due to the HELP I've received from my wonderful friends and family.  You know who you are!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

We plan on blessing baby Max on June 6th (if that's Fast Sunday).  Our church is at 1 pm.  All are welcome to come!  We'll have a family gathering right after in our home.  I'll try to keep you all posted!  Thanks!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Baby Max Photo Shoot & Update

Click right here on this link to see the cutest baby ever!

Jenn and Kati came over yesterday for a photo shoot of Max.  I was excited, but had no idea just how great these would turn out!  I'm so happy!! I threw some clothes on the other kids, just hoping that we could get a few of the three kids together.  Even though Chanel refused to do that, at least we got several wonderful portraits of each kid.

Quick update: I'm doing great!  Max is a sleeper!  He wakes up once at night, if that.  Two nights ago, he slept from 11 to 7.  Last night he slept from 9:30 to 7:30, waking once at 2 for a little feeding and diaper change.  He's a beautiful, healthy, and happy boy.  We love him so much.  The kids love him, and always want to hold him. He's already 12 days old!  There are moments of craziness, but he's usually a very easy baby.

Jonathan is the best dad.  He took Chanel out to a gala last Friday that was for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  She was the only kid there, and behaved very well...even though it was a long night for a kid.  She referred to the night as "the ball"...and she was Cinderella.  Jonny is constantly finding ways to involve the kids in what he's doing.  He is proud of his lil' family, and we're proud of him, too!  I still get on his nerves, and he still leaves his shoes in the middle of the family room floor...but I love him.

My family and friends are the best.  I had dinner brought to me forever!  I can't believe how giving and kind my neighbors are.  We never want to move...ever!!!  Gifts, phone calls, offers to take the kids (which I gladly accept...knowing that I'll be mean if I get zero rest), food, cookies, and so much more...have been continually flooding in.  I pray for all of you!  I hope that you will be blessed for all you have done for me and my family.

I'm especially thankful for our parents.

Marc and Karen are the best in-laws ever.  I hear of many complaints from other people about their in-laws, and just quietly smile to myself.  My in-laws: treat me as their own, never judge or push, and don't give guilt-trips.  They are both very sensitive, supportive, loving, and accepting.  Dad has met up with Jonathan dozens of times recently for lunch, where he asks about Jonathan's work, listens, and laughs with him.  They have a fun relationship.  Marc loves our kids so much, and they know it, too.  They love his stories of the whales and eagles and bears in Canada.  Love you, Dad!

Karen is so wonderful.  She has a beautiful talent...she can quilt.  Holy cow, can she quilt.  I will try to post a pic of the quilt on the next post. She is always up for helping, and came to the hospital to visit and hold and love on lil' Max.  She is so full of love, it usually comes out in the form of tears in her eyes.  There is something special between Karen and each of my kids.  They know that she loves them.  She loves to laugh at their antics and silly sayings and dance moves.  The thing that makes me so happy is watching her hold my babies.  I don't know what it is, but she loves my babies, and it's obvious.  She saved me last Monday, when I was having an emotional breakdown, by coming to hold Max and play with Chanel, clean my kitchen, make food for the kids, and just BEING there for us.  I felt so exhausted that day, and Jonathan went to work, so I was scared!  Karen came to the rescue.  And again on Friday!  She was here for me.  Thank you, Mom.  We love you so much!!

My mom was a champ during my whole pregnancy, and through my hospital stay...bringing groceries, spoiling my kids, cleaning, doing laundry, caring for my dog, letting me sleep...and taking a ton of time out of her very busy schedule to do all of the above.  I love how easy it is to have her around...we can laugh, talk, or take naps without worrying about the little things.  It's fun when I find out that one of my friends has a mom who is similar to my mom.  She is one who just steps in and helps.  She just shows up at our house.  She brings exactly what we needed.  She is sensitive to the Spirit and listens to His promptings.  We are grateful for her love and support in all we do.  I love you, Mom.

My dad, Brent, needs a big cheer for being willing to give her up to me so many times.  His hard work and generosity are the reasons that she's able to do what she does to help me and so many others (right now, she's watching my sister's kids, then flying to VA to see John's gang).  My dad has been our #1 cheerleader, no matter what is happening in our lives.  He is the guy who doesn't talk about what he wants to do for someone, he quietly serves, and is rarely rewarded with public thanks or accolade.  Jonathan and I often talk about our appreciation for him, and feel of his sincere concern and interest in our lives.  Lately, we have had several late night talks with Dad when staying in their home.  For those of you who know him, you know he sleeps from about 8:30 pm to 4:30 am...depending on what chores need to be done around the ranch or what work needs to be done in the office before the phone rings.  Late night talks have shown us that, even though he's very tired, he loves us and truly wants to spend time with us.  Thus the name "Max Brent Johnson".  We love you, Dad.

Now that you all think we are perfect because our parents are perfect, just stop by sometime...your perception will be crushed to pieces!!  :)

Please accept my thanks for all you ALL have done for us!!!!!  xoxoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Baby Max is here!

On Friday, the 9th of April, Jonathan and I went in at 7 am to the hospital.  It was a great morning, with lots of great nurses, lots of yummy ice to chew on, and lots of family support.  My mom brought Briggs and Nelly over after they woke up, were fed, and dressed.  Mom and Dad Johnson came at the exact same time, and came in our room all together.  We had been sooooo blessed to have an uneventful epidural placement (yay! I was really scared!), and I was very comfortable all day.  But at about 2 pm, I had a little discomfort, feeling that something was changing in my body.  At about 2:30, they checked me, and I was still only at about a 6.  So, they seemed to think it was nothing.  However, I felt more and more uncomfortable, and called the nurses at about 2:50.  They were surprised to find that the head was on its way!  Dr. Melendez came quickly, and baby Max was out within one contraction at 3:16 pm.
Lovely, motherly, me...

My beautiful view out the window.

Me and my big boy

Nelly and her twin, Grandma

Here is Max!!!  Holy cow, he's 9 lbs 3 oz and 20 inches long!  No wonder mom was so uncomfortable for 9 months.  Hello?!

Dr. Melendez was great.
Proud Daddy and Grandma

Baby Max made mommy cry a whole bunch from sheer excitement and happiness!

Our new family picture!

Our cute kids

Grandpa Brent made a great entrance, right after Max was born.  It was so fun to see him hold Max Brent Johnson!

With Grandpa and Grandma Armstrong

My 2 boys!

Proud Grandma Gloria!

Love this!
Grandma was so happy to see him!

Happy mommy!